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Anders Aslund

Senior Fellow, Stockholm Free World Forum

Edward C. Chow

Senior Associate, Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)

Ariel Cohen, PhD

ITIC Founding Principal, Senior Fellow, The Atlantic Council, Director, Energy, Growth & Security Program, ITIC Founding Principal, International Market Analysis, Ltd

Orest Deychakiwsky

Former Policy Adviser for Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine U.S. Helsinki Commission (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)

The Honorable James Gerlach

President and CEO Business-Industry Political Action Committee, Former Co-Chair Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, Former U.S. Congressman [PA]

Betsy Hafner

Former Deputy Assistant USTR for Russia and Eurasia, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

John Herbst

Director, Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

Marcy Kaptur

U.S. Congresswoman (D-OH) Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Congressional Ukraine Caucus

Anatoliy Kinakh

President, League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Ukraine

Leonid Kozachenko

President Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC)

Robert “Bob” McConnell

Principal, R. A. McConnell & Associates, and Co-Founder, U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF)

Olexander Motsyk

Former Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA, Poland and Turkey

Steven Pifer

William J. Perry Fellow, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, Non-resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

Roman Popadiuk

First U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

Dr. Edilberto Segura

Economist, former head of the World Bank office in Ukraine and former Chairman of the Board, The Bleyzer Foundation

Oleh Shamshur

Former Ambassador of Ukraine to The United States and France

William Taylor

Vice President, Strategic Stability and Security United States Institute of Peace Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine

John Tefft

Former U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine and Russia; Adjunct Senior Fellow, Rand Corporation

​Oleg Ustenko

Advisor to the President of Ukraine

Kurt Volker

Distinguished Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)